Selection of cured meats with Altinum Brut Trentodoc

Recipe from the book “Cucina & Magia” – Selection of cured meats from the Trento Provincial Farmers’ Federation, Storo Crackers and fantasy sauce by the Pasta Shop Merano – Starters
with Altinum Brut Trentodoc from the Cantina Aldeno
- 50 g mortadella (Trento Provincial Farmers’ Federation)
- 50 g salted lard (Trento Provincial Farmers’ Federation)
- 50 g 100% pork salami (Trento Provincial Farmers’ Federation)
- 50 g speck (Trento Provincial Farmers’ Federation)
- 20 g “fantasy sauce (Pasta Shop Merano)
- 3 Storo Crackers
A great starter that’s quick to prepare. Thinly slice all the cured meats and arrange them in a sunburst pattern, like a flower. Take the salted lard and soften it in a bowl to make it easier to spread. Spread evenly over the Story crackers and place them appropriately in the sunburst arrangement of cured meats.
Accompany with the “Fantasy sauce” by the Pasta Shop Merano.
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Proposed by:
Book “Cucina & Magia” – Cristian Bertol and Antonio Casanova