Zelten with Moscato Giallo Athesim Flumen

Recipe from the book “Cucina & Magia” – Zelten (dried fruit cake) from the Trento Province Bakers’ Association – Desserts
with Moscato Giallo Athesim Flumen from Cantina Aldeno
- 500 g flour (type 0)
- 250 g whole milk
- 20 g brewer’s yeast
- 80 g butter
- 80 g egg yolk
- 80 g sugar
- 20 g honey
- 200 g raisins
- 200 g dried figs
- 200 g peeled walnuts
- 100 g mixed candied fruits
- 100 g almonds
- 100 g pine nuts
- 5 g salt
A traditional Christmas dessert from Trento’s range of “confectionery art”, which was first referred to, as “Celteno”, in a manuscript dating back to the year 1700. Mix together the flour, milk, yeast, butter, egg yolk, sugar and honey. Once the dough is well-formed, add all the diced dried fruit and the raisins, previously soaked in rum. Leave the dough to stand for 2 hours, then roll out on a baking tray dusted with flour. Brush with egg and decorate with dried fruit, leave to stand for 30 minutes and then bake at 180°C for 35/40 minutes.
Preparation time: 3 hours
Cooking time: 40 minutes
Proposed by:
Book “Cucina & Magia” – Cristian Bertol and Antonio Casanova